Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mixed news

As often happens, I have had some good news and some not so good. Luckily the good outweighs the bad. I have been in contact for some little while with two of the people who used to go to the HOSRA races in Newbury , Berkshire. The upshot is that the venue will be returning to HO next year as part of the EAHORC series. This has given me added incentive to get a good venue for LHORC as it would mean being part of a three-club championship.

Sadly, the prospect of racing in Hertford hasn't panned out as Sunday racing turned out not to be viable. So, the search goes on....

Sunday, May 21, 2006


OK, I have now posted some links that should set out a little more clearly what is what.

EAHORC stands for English Association of HO Racing Clubs. They oversee a championship based on races at weekends. At the moment all the races are held at the MBR club in Kings Lynn, Norfork but LHORC hopes to be on board for next year. Check out

The NSCC (National Slot car Club) run the huge event at Epsom each year, this year's event being dubbed 'slot rally GB'. There are links to both the SRGB and parent sites.

If you wish to be added to the links just let me know, be aware though that you must reciprocrate!

So what is the deal then?

LHORC is an attempt to at last have a meaningful HO club in or around the UK capital. Our main event this year will be running the HO 'table' at this year's NSCC event in Epsom, Surrey. More on this later.

In the meantime we already have a logo!


We are currently looking for venues in and around North London.

Suggestions welcome

LHORC is go

Welcome to the website for the London HO Racing Club